Author name: rony

How Art Therapy Is Used to Help People Heal​

What Is Art Therapy? Art therapy integrates psychotherapeutic techniques with the creative process to improve mental health and well-being. The American Art Therapy Association characterizes art therapy as an approach to mental health that utilizes the process of creating art to improve mental, physical, and emotional wellness. The goal of art therapy is to utilize the […]

How Art Therapy Is Used to Help People Heal​ Read More »

“Time Dimension” Revisited in Clinical Practice and Research in Psychiatry

Time dimension, seems to be the core of objective reality of human existence. Almost all aspects of judgment, insight, object relation, sense of reality and other psychic functions are time-related. Disturbances related to time dimension, recorded as circumscribed symptoms, are usually included under disorders of the sense of time (e.g stagnation, cessation, nihilism, galloping, interruption

“Time Dimension” Revisited in Clinical Practice and Research in Psychiatry Read More »